Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Chicken Biters

That's right. Chickens are biters. At least my chickens are. This morning when I fed my chickens one walked right up and instead of looking at me sideways or saying hello it just bit my hand.

I feel like maybe I've been a bad parent. I'm really the only one around to teach these chickens how things work and biting the hand that feeds you is just not something to teach your chickens. Did I somehow teach them that? The only real problem here is that if I try to teach them a life lesson and not feed them they won't learn, they'll just die. Or "croak" as my grandma says. Maybe she meant to say "crow"? I'm not sure but I have no roosters so there is no crowing, except from Kent my roommate. He's a cock. He crows. Not really but he is sick with what he calls a stomach flu. I think he needs to man up and just admit that he has the bird flu. That or maybe AIDS. Monkey handler. I think we should put him out with the chickens and other barnyard animals. Kent will be quarantined to the coop. Don't worry Kent, I'll feed you every morning and if you're smart you'll keep an eye on the chickens when they are by the water dish so they don't poop in it because those chickens have no problem dropping deuces in the very water they drink. I really do need to get back to basics with those chickens, they have clearly been raised wrong.